For Students:

These expressions in their variety are meant to help you enrich your spoken and written repertoire. It is not really a handicap to learn some of them by heart on condition that you frequently use them while talking to your classmates or friends or even some English-speaking people. Gradually those expressions become yours and you will use them normally and naturally. The more you practice them, the better you master them. Take it for granted that the language is first and foremost a means of communication. The more you practise it the more you become perfect. Finally, remember that the world would understand and appreciate what you say if you said it in the right way.


• In my opinion the consequences of global warming will be fatal.
• As far as I'm concerned love is the noblest feeling.
• From my point of view, poverty could be fought with solidarity.
• As I see it, our planet is dying.
• I think / reckon / presume / gather it will get worse with time.
• In my view immigration is caused by unemployment. .
• It seems to me that democracy is the solution for developing countries.
• I believe politics should be more human...
• To my mind cloning should be restricted.
• According to me Euthanasia should be banned.
• As for me they like to be at top of the world.
Agreeing with an opinion   :

• My view about this is positive.
• I agree with this idea.
• I agree completely with this idea.
• I can't agree more.
• I agree.
• This idea is absolutely right.
• I couldn't agree more on this.

:Partial agreement or polite disagreement

• I agree partially with this idea.
• This idea is partially right.
• I see what you mean, but some developed countries are helpful.
• That's one way of looking at it, but we should avoid over generalisation.
• I see your point, but technology is not autonomous.
• I agree with you, but developing countries should stop wars.
• I think this idea is possible, but rich countries bear some responsibility in those wars.
• I'm not sure you're right there.
• I'm not sure that I agree with this idea.
:Disagreeing with an opinion

•             I think it is a bad idea.
• I'm afraid I can't agree with this idea.
• I'm afraid I entirely disagree with you.
• I think this idea is impossible.
• I guess this idea is impractical.
• I see that this idea is bad.
• I think it is a bad idea.
• I don't agree with this idea.
• I suppose this idea cannot be implemented.
A D V I C E:

Random Examples
• If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this old computer.
• Why don't you stay at home and watch TV?
• You'd better go to bed early.
• You ought to revise your lessons regularly.
• If you take my advice, you'll tell your parents the truth.
• You should drive slowly in town.
• I advise you to do the quiz again and again.
Declining to give advice

• I don't know what to advise, I'm afraid.
• I wish I could suggest something, but I can't.
• I wish I could help.
• I'm afraid I can't really help you. I have the same problem myself.
Making suggestions

• Let’s revise our lessons.
• What about going to the cinema tonight?
• How about playing cards?
• Why don't we do our homework?
• Couldn't we invite your grandmother to our party?
• Shall we have a walk along the river?
• What would you say to a cup of coffee?
• Don't you think it is a good idea to watch TV?
• Does it matter if we use your car?
Accepting a suggestion:

• Ok. Yes, let's.
• Yes, I'd like to
• Yes, I'd love to.
• What a good idea!
• Why not?
• Yes, with pleasure.
• Yes, I feel like taking a walk.
Refusing a suggestion:

• No, let's not.
• No, I'd rather not.
• I don't feel like it.  
• What an awful idea!
 Making Offers:

• Can I help you?
• What shall I do for you?
• Would you like me to check this computer for errors?
• Shall I bring you a glass of water?
• I'll buy you a coke. Shall I?
• What/ Where/ Which ... would you like me to...?
• Do you want me to post that letter for you?
Accepting an offer::

• How kind of you! Thank you very much.
• That’s very good of you!
• That’s terribly kind,. Thank you very much.
• Yes, please do.
• What a good idea!
• Yes, please.
• Thanks. That would be excellent.
• Yes.
Refusing or rejecting an offer:

• It’s all right thanks. I can manage that alone!
• No, thank you. But I am very grateful
• That’s awfully kind, but there’s no need.
• No, please don't bother.
• No, thank you.
I N V I T A T I O N S:

• I was wondering whether you would stay for dinner.
• I'm going to my uncle's wedding party next Sunday. Would you like to come, too?
• Come along!
• Why don't you come?
• Will you come, too?
• You must come over?
• You must pay us a visit.
• You must come back some time.
• We must get in touch...
• I'll give you a call and fix something.
• Look me up next time you are around (here).
Accepting an invitation

• Ok. I'd like to!
• Well, I'm free then. Thank you. I'd like to come.
• Well, I'm not doing anything then. I'll come. Thanks.
• I am not doing anything special then. Thank you. I'd like to come.
• Ok!
Refusing an invitation

• I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy then.
• I'm sorry but I can't. I'm going somewhere that day.
:C O M P L A I N I N G

• I have a complaint to make. ..............
• I'm sorry to say this but.................
• I want to complain about...................
• I'm afraid I've got a complaint about...............
• I'm angry about................
Responding to a complaint

• I'm so sorry, but this will never occur again.
• I'm sorry, I promise never to.................
• I'm really sorry; I'll do my utmost/best not to...............
:M A K I N G A N A P O L O G Y:

• I do apologize for ___ing..........
• I must apologize for ___ing.........
• I am so sorry for ___ing.........
• I shouldn't have...........
• It's all my fault.
• I'm ashamed of ___ing.........
• Please, forgive me for ___ing.......
• I'm terribly sorry for ___ing..........
• Pardon me for this............
• Please, forgive me for my........
:A C C E P T I N G A N A P O L O G Y:
• Please, accept my apologies for ____ing.........
• That's all right.
• Never mind
• Don't apologize.
• It doesn't matter.
• Don't worry about it.
• Don't mention it.
• That's OK.
• I quite understand.
• You couldn't help it.
• Forget about it.
• Don't worry about it.
• No harm done.

Expressing Prohibition:

• You aren’t allowed to.........
• You mustn’t.........
• It’s forbidden..............
• You aren’t permitted to...........
• You aren’t to............
1. You aren’t allowed to smoke in public places.
2. It’s forbidden to walk on the grass in public gardens.
3. You aren’t to wear indecent clothes in the street.
4. You mustn’t drive fast.
5. You aren’t permitted to park your car here.
 :Expressing Certainty

• Yes, I'm certain.
• I'm positive my grandmother repairs the car.
• he must be excellent at mechanics.
• I'm absolutely sure.
• It's certain that he is a good mechanic.
Expressing Probability

• It is probable that my grandfather repairs the car.
• I guess he is fit for the job.
• I bet my grandmother is better than he is.
• I expect / suppose they are good mechanics.
• I dare say / should say / presume they know what they should do.
• She may have repaired the car while you were out.
• Ali may come any minute.
• Maybe / perhaps the problem won’t be serious.
• It will probably rain this evening.
• I’m likely to do the work myself.
Expressing Improbability:

• No, probably not.
• I don't suppose my grandfather repairs the car.
• I doubt my grandmother does, either.
• S/he is unlikely to repair the car.
• I don't think they can repair that car.
• I'd be surprised if s/he repaired the car.
• It's unlikely s/he will repair the car soon.
:Expressing Possibility

• My grandmother may repair the car.
• Maybe she will repair it.
• Perhaps she will repair it.
• Possibly, she will repair it.
• It's possible she will repair it alone.
• She might repair it.
• I suppose she might repair it.
• There's a chance she'll repair it before sunset.
Expressing Impossibility:

• No, it's impossible to repair that old Chevrolet.
• She can't possibly repair it.
• I'm sure she doesn't repair it.
• She definitely doesn't repair it.
• She certainly doesn't repair it.
• There's no way she repairs it.
L I K E S   &   D I S L I K E S:

• I like Couscous.
• I like eating couscous with my bare hand.
• I enjoy eating couscous.
• I love couscous.
• I adore eating couscous.
• I'm fond of couscous.
:Expressing Dislikes:

• I hate pizza.
• I don't like pizza.
• I can't bear pizza.
• I can't stand pizza.
• I dislike pizza.
• I detest pizza.

• Do you prefer tea or coffee?
• Would you prefer tea or coffee?
• Would you rather milk or Orange Juice?
• Which would you prefer? Doing homework or watching TV?
• Which would you rather, this bike or that one?
• Would you prefer to stay here?
• Would you rather have a drink?
: Expressing Preference

• I prefer tea (to coffee).
• I'd prefer to have coffee.
• I'd rather have tea.
1. I prefer doing my homework to watching television.
2. I'd prefer to go out than to stay with you.
3. I'd rather go to bed than see that boring film.
4. I'd prefer to sleep.
5. I'd rather sleep.

In the present
• I have to buy some more eggs for my famous cake.
• I have got to repair that old car of mine. (informal)
• I must see the doctor soon because I don't feel well.
• It is necessary that I take a taxi. I'm late.
In the past
• I had to work extra hours to pay my bills.
In the future
• I'll have to borrow money.
* Lack of necessity *:

In the present
• I don't have to drive fast.
• I don't need to write the report myself. My secretary can do that for me.
• I needn't buy all these things.
In the past
• I didn't have to tell him about my project.
In the future
• I won't have to revise my lessons. I learn them by heart.
Asking for Permission:

• Can I go out, please?
• May I Open the window, please?
• Please, can I have a look at your photo album?
• Please, may I taste that hot spicy couscous dish?


*.* It is allowed *.*
Present & Future
• You might vote if you are 18.
• You may speak to the manager.
• You could see me this afternoon. I'm free then.
• You can put on my jacket.
:Expressing Request

• Can you close that door, please?
• Will you turn down that radio, please?
• Could you possibly give me that red pen over there?
• Would you bring me a glass of water please?
• Would you like to put that case on the reception desk, please?!
• Would you mind sending these letters for me, please?!
C A U S E   &   E F F E C :

There are many ways to express cause and effect relationships. Take this for example: 
i. He didn't come because he wasn't invited.
ii. Since he wasn't invited, he didn't come.
 The cause of his absence is that he was not invited.
He was not invited. So, the effect or the result of this is that "he didn't come". If he had been invited he would have come. But he was not invited, consequently he didn't come.
1. She didn't attend the meeting since she was not interested.
2. I'm glad the children are out, for I have got a lot of work to do at home.
3. She didn't tell the police because of fear.
4. Owing to his carelessness, the man had an accident.
5. I'm sorry for being late.
6. Thanks for your attention.
7. He went to hospital because he was not feeling well.

Expressing fear

• What scares / frightens me most is.........
• My chief / major/ main concern is......
• I can’t help being worried by.....
• The problem is....
• It is ............ that scares me.
• I’m dreading the final verdict.
:Expressing Sympathy

• What a pity / shame that.....
• How disappointing!
• What bad / sad news!
• It’s a great disappointment!
• How terrible!
• It’s terrible that........!
span style="width: 100%; font-size: 24px; font-family: Arial Black; color: orange; Filter: Shadow(Color=#0000FF, Direction=225)">Asking For Clarification:

In order to avoid misunderstanding one has to ask for clarification to make sure one understands the message in the right way. If one is asked for clarification one has to give it and check for understanding. Here are some useful expressions you can use in both situations:
• Excuse me. What was that again?
• Pardon me. Would you mind repeating that   ?  
• Pardon me. Could you repeat that please?
• I beg your pardon.   Would you mind repeating that?
• I’m sorry.   I didn’t get the last part.
• May I interrupt?   Could you say that again please?
Informal (with friends)
• What? I didn’t catch that.
• What did you say?   I didn’t get the last part.
• Huh? (impolite)   You lost me.
• I didn’t get that. Can you make yourself clear?
• I am completely in the dark.
Asking for clarification for good understanding:

• Could you elaborate on that?
• Do you mean......
• Use Question Tags.
• I can’t understand.......
• I am not sure I got your point.
• Would you clarify that a little, please?
• I mean that......
• What I mean is that....
• Does that make sense to you?
• Am I making sense?
• Am I clear enough?
• Do you get that?
• Have I made myself clear?
• Do you see what I mean?
• Do you understand so far?
• Are you following me?
• Did you catch that?
• Do you understand?            
• Is that clear now?              
• Right?
• Okay, so far?                        
• Did you get that?      
• Got it?
family: 'Times New Roman', serif; "> B. Ann increase in temperature of Earth and its atmosphere that many scientists say is caused by pollution
 C. Informal - to rest or relax in order to get back your energy 
 D. When gas, light, heat etc. are sent out or released (e.g. Cars create emissions which are dangerous for the environment.
 E. An extra, usually bad, occurrence caused by taking a drug. It is also used in non-medical English in a more neutral way.


Match the adjectives with their definitions.

bitter   careless   creative     familiar   generous   important   obedient   sad   selfish   visible
1.= able to make new things
2.= well known or easily recognised
3.= unhappy
4.= not careful, lacking consideration
5.= of great significance or value
6.= slightly unpleasant taste, not sweet
7.= thinking of oneself only
8.= complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority
9.= perceptible especially by the eye; or open to easy view
10.= willing to give and share



1.crime                                       crimimnal
2.Environment                             environmental
3.poverty                                     poor
4.boredom                                   bored
5.option                                     optional
6.culture                                   cultural                                   scientific
8.success                                   succesful
9.satisfaction                             satisfactory
10.ambition                                 ambitious
11.democraty                               democratic
12.autonomy                                 autonomous

1.musical 2.optional 3.cultural. 4.satisfactory .5.bored 6.successful .7.democratic.

1.death             c.penalty
3.civilian         g.population
4.primitive         i.society
5.human             j.right
6.ethnic            e.code
8.marital           h.status
9.historic         a.monument             f.mines

1.WAR         2.ENVIRONMENT         3.BUSINESS       4.WOMEN
_______             waste                                   goods                     children                    
Battle                 toxic                                     imports                   the right
Prison camp             poisonous                             revenue                   bear

                        Radioactive                           trade                         feminist
                        Dumps                                                     housework

1.useless 2. higher 3. painful 4. appearance.5. careless 6. translation. 7.agreement 8. complaints.
1.failure/2.refusal/3.robbery/4.preparation/5.resignation/ 6.pressure/7.decision/8.dismissal/9.struggle/10.appointment/

For each of the six questions choose the one correct answer.

1. b. injured
2. a. says
3. d. speak
4. c. memory
5. c. spoils
6. b. save
1: HEADACHE/HEADLINE/ HEADMASTER ………'headman' is not a real word.

2: NEWSPAPER/NEWSREADER/NEWSFLASH……'newsmagazine' is not a real word.

3:BIRTHDAY/BIRTHMARK/BIRTHCONTROL……'birthbaby' is not a real word.

4: AIRCONDITIONING/AIRPORT/AIRMAIL……….’airpilot’ is not a real word.

5: BOOKSHOP/BOOKMAKER/BOOKWORM……..   ’booklibrary’ is not a real word.

6: POLICEWOMAN/POLICEDOG/POLICEFORCE……’policeperson’ is not a real word
D.when gas, light, heat etc. are sent out or released (e.g. Cars create emissions which are dangerous for the environment.
2.A SIDE EFFECT extra, usually bad, occurrence caused by taking a drug. It is also used in non-medical English in a more neutral way.
C.informal - to rest or relax in order to get back your energy
4.GLOBAL WARMING increase in temperature of Earth and its atmosphere that many scientists say is caused by pollution
5.HI-TECH A.something which uses very advanced technology and systems

1.creatitve= able to make new things
2.familiar= well known or easily recognised
3.sad= unhappy
4.careless= not careful, lacking consideration
5.important= of great significance or value
6.bitter= slightly unpleasant taste, not sweet
7.selfish= thinking of oneself only
8.obedient= complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority
9.visible= perceptible especially by the eye; or open to easy view
10. generous = willing to give and share

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