Games/puzzles/riddles PROBLUM SOLVING

Games/puzzles/riddles PROBLUM SOLVING


    brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father   is my father's son.
who is this man?

To get the answer unscramble the coloured letters given here:
 > (ym / nso)

What is it?
      "The beginning of eternity
        The end of time and space
        The beginning of every end,
        And the end of every place."

Answer :an alpahabet letter(?)


      At night they come without being fetched,
      And by day they are lost without being stolen."

To get the answer,unscramble the coloured letters given ;  


Einstein's riddle - Who has the Fish?Problem solving (1)

 There are 5 houses of 5 different colours: blue, green, red, white, yellow
 In each house lives a person of
§ a different nationality: American, Australian, British, Canadian, Irish 
 Each of the 5 house-owners has a certain job: carpenter, lawyer, pilot, plumber, waiter
 Each of the 5 house-owners has a certain hobby: chess, fishing, football, sailing, tennis
 Each of the 5 house-owners has a certain pet: cat, dog, goldfish, hamster, horse
    None of them have the same pet, job or hobby.


 The Irishman lives in the green house.
 The red house is on the immediate left of the white house.
The person in the red house is a pilot.
The American plays chess.
The Canadian is a waiter.
The person with the horse lives next to the one who plays tennis.
The person who goes sailing lives next to the one with the cat.
The person with the goldfish plays football.
The person in the blue house has a cat.
The Briton has a hamster.
The Australian lives next to the yellow house.
The person with the horse has a neighbour who is a plumber.
The person in the center house is a lawyer.
The Australian lives in the first house.
The dog owner is a carpenter.

Question: Who goes fishing?


Nationality:   Australian     Canadian     Irish British       American

Shopping Quiz
The green cap is less expensive than the white cap. The blue cap is more expensive than the green cap. The white cap is almost as expensive as the blue cap. Which cap is the most expensive one?
the green cap
the blue cap
the white cap

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